Thursday 25 October 2012

6 Steps to protect Your kids On the Internet

6 Steps to protect Your kids On the Internet

As we all know the internet is vast network providing almost every kind of information from all around the world in no time. This sounds great, but everything in this world has its own pros and cons, and the internet is no exception. The ultimate facility that the internet provides itself becomes a danger to kids. It's very important for every parent to see that their kids stay safe on the internet. Obviously, every information and fact should be revealed at a particular age. But the internet gives access to all information at any age which is not safe for kids.

So how to ensure that weather your child is safe on the internet? The very first thought in the parent's mind could be the elimination of internet from kid's lives. But if there's an internet connection on your PC, so obviously your child will be willing to use it without knowing the dangers of the internet. And it can be little rude attitude to prevent your kid using the internet. And also it doesn’t make any sense to ban internet access for children just for certain reasons, while ignoring the useful profits it can provide.

That means it is very important to take internet safety precautions, before permitting children, teenagers use the internet. Below I had gathered 10 steps to protect your kids on the internet that will help them to stay safe on the internet:

                1. Enable Firewall: Enable your Windows Firewall or download a new Firewall from internet, like ZONEALARMS Firewall ( Firewalls keep an eye on everything entering and leaving your computer and thus protecting your kids against the most common computer hacking attacks and cyber criminals. Turn on the essential settings in firewall required for our purpose.
                2. Install Anti-Spyware: installing an Anti-Spyware program on your computer protects your kids against the most dangerous and commonly found malware threats on the internet. This will also protect against unwanted pop-up ads, spying cookies, etc. recommended Anti-Spyware tools are SpySweeper & SpyBot.
                3. Install Antivirus: An Antivirus program protects your computer from dangerous virus, worms, and Trojans on the internet. This is an important step to stay safe on the internet. Recommended software are Norton internet Security, McAfee
                4. Enable Safe Search: Enable safe search on Google by following this link ( I strongly recommend all parents to explore Google Family Center (
                5. Child Safety Programs: Browse and download some good Child Safety Programs that provides
                Internet safety for children. These programs can block pornography content, restrict the amount of time the computer can be used, stops file sharing, protect personal information etc. recommended software are NetNanny,
                CyberPatrol, etc.
                6. Educate Kids: Nothing can replace Good Values, Education, and Talking to your child. Educate and explain your child about both positive & negative sides of the internet. Place Your Computer in a place where another responsible adult can keep an eye on the child's activity. Know when your kids are surfing the internet. Know who your  kids are chatting with.
                At last I would like to tell all parents that in spite of few disadvantages make sure that your child is taking full advantage of wonderful resources available on the Internet. In todays world if your child is not adequately exposed to technology, computers and the internet, then he is at a disadvantage compared to his peers.
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